Hello! Meet our Founder, Shane

Shane is a young entrepreneur who wants to change the world's vision of how others view individuals like himself with a disability. Shane has challenges himself as he is a pediatric stroke survivor. As a result of the stroke, Shane has cerebral palsy affecting the entire right side of his body. He has gone through numerous treatments at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to help get through the pain from his spasticity. Shane has a mobility service dog named Pepper. Pepper is from a nonprofit organization called 4 Paws for Ability. Pepper helps Shane with balance, opening doors, closing doors, etc. He is Shane's best friend and has brought so much love and light to Shane's heart.

In 2020, Shane wanted to shed light on bringing disability awareness. But, he wanted to show that anyone with a disability has an ability mindset and a "can do" attitude.

Shane wanted to show everyone that you need to see the individual as a person, not their Disability!

Shane built his company from the ground up, called Shane & Pepper Candle Company. His company handcrafts onsite soy candles that are eco-friendly, vegan-friendly, soy, and biodegradable, made in Lansdale, PA.

Each candle serves the purpose of helping our partnered nonprofits by donating the proceeds from their candles. Shane has been on Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, Fox29 News, Channel 69 News, and Channel 6 to help bring Disability awareness to the nation and the world.

Shane wanted to do more! Shane wanted to start a foundation called, The Shane & Pepper Foundation. Shane's vision is to empower and employ individuals with disabilities to offer them equal pay and life skills within the workplace. Together let's take the " Dis" out of Disability!

Be the light. Be the Change.

Shane & Pepper

Founder, Shane / Co-founder service dog, Pepper 

Get In Touch with Us


Our foundation is located inside Shane & Pepper Candle Company.

307 Derstine Ave. Ste.102 Lansdale PA 19446

© 2022, The Shane & Pepper Foundation